Berlin Tea Sunday 2024


An overview and participation details for the workshops, seminars, and activities taking place throughout Berlin on November 24th as part of the Berlin Tea Festival 2024.
10:00 - 11:00   Tea High – Einfluss von Kultivar, Pflückzeit und Zubereitung auf Theanin ············································· 15 € | Keiko

Wir verkosten japanischen Bio Grüntee und Matcha mit besonders hohem Gehalt der Aminosäure L-Theanin mit unterschiedlichen Zubereitungsarten und Hintergrundinfos.

Max. participants: 20     ||      Registration:

11:15 - 12:15   TBC ············································································································································· 
12:30 - 14:00   Tea Mixology - Extraction methods for use in cocktails (ab 18 Jahre!) ·························································· 45 €  ······························································································· Wei-En Chan, tea mixologist and sommelière, Co-owner of Bar Schwips

In this workshop, we introduce various methods of tea extraction, and consider their pros and cons when used in cocktails and mixed drinks. Which method yields the best result? What are the challenges of incorporating tea flavors in cocktails? Participants get the chance to taste various tea extracts, as well as mix their own drink, and enjoy it together during the final Q&A.

Max. participants: 16     ||      Registration:

14:15 - 15:45  Masterpieces of the tea world – A guided tasting of selected tea rarities ······························· 35 € | Länggass-Tee
With a deep dive into our representative assortment, we explore the diversity of the tea world and our definition of quality. We focus on sensory experience, history, terroir and cultivar. Most of all, we enjoy and celebrate some extraordinary beautiful teas together. If required, we give explanations on the teas also in german, french and spanish.

Max. participants: 20     ||      Registration:

16:00 - 18:00   Aging Pu'er Tea: Rare Shengpu Selections ······································································· 88 € | Eastern Leaves
Join us for a unique tasting of five exceptional Sheng Pu'er teas, each offering a window into the rich history of Pu'er tea:
  1. 2004 Yiwu Shengpu 易武生普
  2. 2005 Laobanzhang Shengpu 老班章生普
  3. 2007 Bada Shengpu 巴达山 by Changtaihao昌泰号
  4. Green label 7542 Shengpu by 88Qing 八八青
  5. 10 Year Anniversary Wild Forest Shengpu produced by Eastern Leaves on Nannuo mountain

Max. participants: 10     ||      Registration: by Eastern Leaves

18:00 - 20:00   European tea and local cheese tasting ············································································· 50 € | WanderlusTea

Max. participants: 20     ||      Registration: by WanderlusTea

We will taste 5 types of teas from 5 different European countries paired with the cheese produced locally on that specific terroir. The teas and cheeses are produced in the UK, France, Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands.
10:00 - 22:00   Social Tea Hangouts - 1st Floor 

Tea tasting & casual tea hangout at individual tea tables, hosted by different tea lovers and connoisseurs from our network

16:00 - 22:00   Art & Culture Salon - 3st Floor 
  • Books & Tea: ’’In Search of the Perfect Teacup, or Authenticity’’- Pop-Up Reading Room & introduction to the pop-up exhibition created by encounters 流散时代 ⽂字在世界相遇, hosted by writer Mary Lee & maker Lam Tou
  • Music & Tea: “XuanMing ⽞明“ Gu Qin Live intermission by sinologist Wolfgang Schwabe
  • Photography & Tea: Tour & talk with photographer Florian Ritter on his exhibition ‘’China’s Ethnic Diversity’’ currently on display at C*SPACE
························································································································ minimum 15 €, generous 20 € | C*Space

Registration: by Eventbrite


10:00 - 12:00   All About Black Tea- Hong Cha - 3rd Floor ························································ free admission | Claudia Priemer

Explore the world of black tea (Hong Cha) with our seasonal cycle across four sessions, featuring teas from various regions. From well-known types from China and India to rare finds from lesser-known places, discover production, ingredients, and best brewing methods for each season.

Which black tea is best to drink when it's cold? This is the question we’ll explore, along with the most suitable brewing methods for the winter season.

Each session highlights unique teas and diverse preparation styles. Whether you prefer it hot or cold, tea offers a soothing taste experience shaped by how we treat the leaves. Join us for a two-hour journey where you’ll learn versatile tea-making techniques –from boiling water to chilled versions, from single steeping to multiple infusions like Chinese Gong Fu Cha, cold brews, and spice blends. Celebrate the richness of this beloved drink with us.

Max. participants: 20     ||      Registration:


12:00 - 13:30   Trip to Hadong, Exploring the South-Korean Tea World von Infinitea leaves - 3rd Floor ················ 30 € | InfiniTea Leaves

South Korean teas are still relatively unknown, but in Hadong, the birthplace of South Korean teas, tea cultivation dates back to the 9th century. Influenced by techniques from China and Japan, Korean tea culture has developed its own unique charm.

This year, we had the pleasure of visiting Hadong in person and experiencing the hospitality of the tea farmers. In this region, traditional methods are still very much in use, and hardly any machines are employed. Since 2015, Hadong has been part of the "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System" (GIAHS).

Together, we will taste the fresh harvests of this year and brew other local specialties. Look forward to a little journey into the fascinating world of South Korean tea.

Max. participants: 12     ||      Registration:


14:00 - 15:30  Natural tea leaves dye Cha-fu 茶布 Kusaki-zome Workshop - 3rd Floor ································· 45 € | Yurika Saito
Dyeing fabric by boiling and dyeing with tea leaves, participants can tie-dye own favourite patterns based on Japanese dyeing technique. The tannin ingredient in the tea leaves reacts with the iron ingredient extracted from the nail to produce a warm purple gray color. The fabrics will be thick linen fabric 50×30cm and thin cotton fabric 15×15cm. The dyed cloth can be used as tea cloth / tableware / deco. Tea leaves are reused to dye cloth after drinking at C*SPACE tea fest.

Max. participants: 15     ||      Registration:


16:00-17:30   Exclusive Aged Tea Tasting by Yumm Cha - 3rd Floor ································································ 48 € | Yumm Cha

Immerse yourself in a very special aged tea tasting session hosted by YUMM CHA from Amsterdam. They will be presenting their exclusive collection,

featuring aged oolong and black teas from Taiwan and Guangdong, the largest regions for (aged) tea consumption globally and where the project's owners are based. Participants will have the opportunity to taste highly prized and rare teas such as the 25-year-old Dong Ding, 30-year-old Oriental Beauty, and 70-year-old Pouchong and more. Get ready for a unique opportunity to indulge in exquisitely aged teas with rich, refined flavours that have evolved over decades. This event offers an unparalleled chance to savour several aged teas that are rarely found in one place! It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you won't want to miss!

Max. Teilnehmeranzahl: 18     ||      Registration: by Yumm Cha

10:30 - 12:30  
"Gesichter hinter dem Tee" -- Kurzdoku-Filme über 5 japanische Teefamilien, ihre Gärten und Teeverkostung ·············· 5 € | Tee Kontor Kiel
Die fünf Kurzfilmdokus zeigen die "Gesichter hinter dem Tee“. Japanische TeebäuerInnen aus fünf Familien, ihre Visionen, ihre Arbeit und ihre Liebe zum Tee werden durch Bilder und ihre Worte dem Zuschauer eindrucksvoll näher gebracht. Bei dieser Kinopremiere werden im Rahmen der Filmvorführung auch Tees der verschiedenen Gärten zur Verkostung ausgeschenkt und die Filmproduzenten sind zum Beantworten von Fragen vor Ort.

Registration: by Kino Toni


Einlass ab 11:30, Beginn um 12:00 Uhr  
TEATRIP - exklusive Teeverkostung zur Buchreihe ························································································ 35 € | Teekenner
  • Geschichten und Bildvortrag zu vier beeindruckenden Teebergen in China und Japan
  • Verkostung unserer besten Tee-Raritäten
  • Mit den Gastgebern Christian Beck von Teekenner und Oliver Seifert vom Teehaus „make tea not war“

Registration: by Teekenner


13:00 - 17:00
Gushu Himmel in Berlin  ·········································································································· free admission | Nan Yi Tee
  1. Gushu "曼松 Mansong", Yiwu 2023, Sheng
  2. Gushu "曼松 Mansong", Yiwu 2023, Shu
  3. Gushu "凤凰窝 Fenghuangwo - Phönixnest", Pu'er 2010, Sheng
  4. Gushu "凤凰窝 Fenghuangwo - Phönixnest", Pu'er 2010, Shu
  5. Gushu "雪山古韵 Da Xue Shan - Großer Schneeberg", Lincang 2015, Sheng
  6. Gushu "老班章 Lao Banzhang", Menghai 2012, Sheng 

Nan und Thilo laden alle herzlich zu einer Verkostung von 6 klassischen Gushu Pu-Erh-Tees ein. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, eine Voranmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Kommt gerne vorbei! 

12:00 - 12:45   
How to brew Wakocha, Lecture and tasting by Wanoka tea  ··········································································· 15 € | Wanoka Tea
Tasting of super premium Minamata Wakocha from 4 different brands. Delicious sweets are served with teas (sweets made with local citrus fruits by a renowned local pâtissier. Q&A is possible during the session.
Instructor Kazuko Otsuka, founder of Wanoka Kazuko Otsuka returned to her hometown of Minamata in 2017 and has since been organizing events to promote Wakocha (Japanese black tea). Her blended spice tea received a Highly Commended award in the Scented Tea category at THE LEAFIES 2022. She visits Berlin for the first time to join Berlin Tea Festival. 

Max. participants: 17     ||      Registration: by Wanoka Tea


13:30 - 14:30 & 15:00 - 16:00    
Talk with Mr. Kajihara, Q&A, tea tasting ··············································································· free admission Ocha no Kajihara
Mr. Kajihara comes to Berlin for the first time to Join Berlin Tea festival. Please do not miss this opportunity to meet this renowned and beloved tea farmer from Japan. He talks about his farms and teas and his effort to create world prized teas. You can ask him questions and drink teas he brews for you. 
Teas- Special teas exclusively in this venue will be also served.- World champion tea May be served.- Teas are for sale. (PayPal is preferable).




14:00 - 15:30  
Tea High – Einfluss von Kultivar, Pflückzeit und Zubereitung auf Theanin ··································································· 15 € | Keiko
Wir verkosten japanischen Bio Grüntee und Matcha mit besonders hohem Gehalt der Aminosäure L-Theanin mit unterschiedlichen Zubereitungsarten und Hintergrundinfos.

Max. participants: 20     ||      Registration:


11:30 - 14:30 
"Yunnan 2025 - Tea & Culinary Trip" -- Information Session ····················· free admission | Berlin Tea Festival, Wild Mountain Tea & UUU
Yunnan 2025 is a collaboration between the Berlin Tea Festival, Wild Mountain Tea, and UUU, offering an in-depth exploration of Yunnan's tea culture and cuisine. During the information session, you'll have the chance to learn more about the trip and enjoy a tasting of teas featured in the itinerary.

No pre-registration required

15:00 - 16:00 
Protecting nature through tea - A talk and tasting of wild and forest-grown teas from Northern Thailand ············ free admission | Monteaco
Welcome to a presentation and tea tasting hosted by William from Monteaco held at UUU during the Berlin Tea Sunday. During the 1 hour tasting, participants will learn the story of how Monteaco for the past decade have been working to create a different path forward for the tea industry in Northern Thailand, as well as get the chance to try a variety of unique wild and forest-grown teas.

Max. participants: 9     ||      Registration:


11:00  14:00  17:00  Duration: 60 minutes each 

Meditative Tea Ceremony ················································································ Free of charge, donation-based | Global Tea Hut
